Diary Chapters

Wonderful water

Wise Words


Only 0.01% of all water on earth is fresh water that we can use. We better learn to use what we have wisely.


In the News

Water for Food

Water for Food

How much water does it take to grow the food you eat every day? Here's an idea ...

Find Out More >

Green Week 2012 - Mediterranean SOS

Green Week 2012 - Mediterranean SOS

Europe's biggest annual conference on environmental policy was devoted to water ...

Find Out More >


The Facts

GLD water cycle

The fresh water we use each day from local reservoirs or rainwater tanks is actually as old as the hills - maybe even older! Water makes its way around the planet in a process known as the water cycle. When it's hot, liquid water in the oceans turns into gas that rises into the atmosphere through the process of evaporation. High in the sky, the gas cools down and turns into little droplets, forming clouds. When the little droplets get denser, they form bigger droplets of liquid water. When the droplets get too heavy, they fall back down to Earth as rain. When it's really cold, the water will turn solid and form snow or hail.

You can watch a funny video about the water cycle here!



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When it rains, it pours - so true for Australia, the second driest continent on Earth after Antarctica. After a decade of drought, we were devastated by floods in 2011 and 2012! There's not much that we can do to change the cycle of floods and droughts, but we can take better care of our catchments and teach families how to prepare better. Find out more about what catchments are here!


2013: International Year of Water Cooperation

780 million people do not have clean water and even more do not have clean toilets to use. Most of the planet's population lives in the driest areas. Water is incredibly precious and some countries share rivers which supply water to their citizens.



Become a Reef Guardian
Ask your teacher to sign up your class as Reef Guardians so that you can find out more about protecting the Great Barrier Reef. You can find out more about the reef by watching this video!


Drop In the Ocean

Fantastic fact

There is more fresh water stored underground in aquifers than in lakes and rivers on the Earth's surface.


About 70% of our bodies are made up of water.


Green Lane Hero

Angus McMahon, Albuera St Primary, TAS

Angus goes the extra mile for the planet. Passionate about sustainability, he has helped teach students and teachers about growing a community garden and saving energy. He is a consistent role model for others keeping the compost and recycling systems working. Angus walks the talk!


Action Ideas

What's your water footprint? Make a list of all the different ways you use water each day and go online to calculate your water footprint.


Ban plastic bottles in your family and make sure everyone uses their own reusable water bottles. Make posters for school explaining why this is important.



A catchment is like a giant bucket, waiting to catch rain and the water that flows down the mountains, through the valleys, along creeks and into our rivers and oceans.

The Murray Darling Basin is Australia's biggest catchment. It's actually one of the largest river systems in the world, covering almost 1 million square kilometres across five Australian states and territories, connecting 23 different rivers and providing the water to produce more than one third of Australia's food supply. The basin is so important that the government has set up a special authority to manage it. Lear more about the Murray Darling Basin Authority here!

The Murray Darling Basin is home to a rich variety of biodiversity including birds, fish, insects, plants and marsupials.

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  • When we are in drought, there is less water for people, animals and plants
  • People and nature at the bottom of the river suffer most because much of the water is used for agriculture, industries and towns further up the river
  • When we have lots of rain, communities near the river can suffer from floods and farmers can lose their crops
  • Farming makes the natural water table rise and bring with it lots of salt previously stored deep in the ground



We can raise awareness about the problem of salinity, especially in the Murray Darling Basin so that more people understand the seriousness of the issue. Learn more about it here!


More Juicy Stuff...


Green Cross supporters and hair care brand Pureology is dedicated to water conservation. To help reduce water waste in the hairdressing industry, they've launched the WaterSaver Salon website. This clever website allows salons to measure their current water use and identify simple ways to reduce their water waste. Brilliant!


Way out in the Pacific Ocean, there is a HUGE pile of floating garbage known as the 'Pacific Trash Vortex' or the 'Great Pacific Garbage Patch'. The total size is unclear, as it accumulates in 5 different gyres or ocean currents that are constantly moving. Some people think it's the same size as France!


This stretch of ocean is covered with millions of bits of plastic mixed with chemical sludge and all sorts of rubbish
that has fallen off a boat or found its way down our catchments and into the oceans. Unlike other materials, plastic
takes more than 1000 years to break down. It disintegrates into plastic confetti that fish can swallow and, if we eat the fish, we swallow it too!


You can watch a video about the damage the pacific garbage is doing here!


The Great Barrier Reef stretches along the east coast of Australia for almost 2000km and is home to many colourful and amazing sea creatures such as corals. Corals are highly sensitive organisms and need perfect conditions to survive. Corals LOVE pure, salty water, the right temperature and lots of marine friends.


Scientists have discovered that higher temperatures and carbon dioxide emissions are bleaching coral, leaving it white and lifeless. Turtles, fish, seabirds, starfish and anemones who depend on healthy coral for their survival are also being threatened by the problem of coral bleaching.


You can learn more about coral bleaching on the ReefEd website! Just like in the reef, there is lots to explore...


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Tips and Resources

Tips and Resources

We have compiled a list of ideas just to get you going. Try these eco activities - share them with your family and friends. Rate your progress. Be honest so you know what you can work on.


From waste, water and energy to what you eat and what you buy - its all about taking action...  Together we can make a difference!

Find out more

Green Land Diary - a Greencross Australia project

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