Diary Chapters

Whats the story

In the News

Colourful Universe!

Colourful Universe!

NASA has released the most colorful image of the universe to date, a composite o ...

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Sharing and giving things we may not use anymore is a good way of not wasting!

Sharing and giving things we may not use anymore is a good way of not wasting!

Check out TuShare, with your family or class find somethings that you aren't usi ...

Find Out More >


The Facts

We have a wonderful planet. Let's protect it!




Planet Earth is an amazing place with the capacity to sustain the life of millions of species. Some of these species are still a mystery to us - they're waiting to be discovered by keen scientists like yourself!


There is one thing that is definitely NOT a mystery to us anymore - everything on Earth is interconnected. It's like we're all joined together by invisible threads, just like a spider's web. There is a special Indigenous Australian word to describe this connection - Kanyini. It means taking responsibility and caring for all things.


With more and more of us sharing this precious place we need to find ways of preserving it. Don't forget that YOU can make a difference - start asking questions and inspire your friends and family to make small steps in the right direction. Simple ideas are often the best!



Organisations like Tulele Peisa are working hard to relocate families and their homes under threat from rising sea levels.

  • Find out which countries are affected by sea level rise
  • Write a letter to your local newspaper asking them to publish an article about how sea level rise can affect families and their homes

Fantastic fact

The longest living things on earth are trees, growing for hundreds of years!

Try this fun game.


Green Lane Hero

Agel Kowan, St Brendan's Primary, Moorooka

Agel showed exemplary individual action in her daily life keeping a detailed record in her Green Lane Diary, researching areas of interest and trying to change her family's behavior. Her practical ideas shared in her diary show prove that everyone can make a little difference every day.


Action Ideas

- Start a blog and upload photos of your actions to save our planet. Share your blog with your class, your school and the local newspaper!


- Do you have a temperature gauge at school? Why not start keeping a record at school? Explore the Bureau of Meteorology website. It's fascinating stuff!


- Do you like playing games online? You should start doing it on this website because for every 1000 games, they plant a tree! Over 1000 trees have already been planted, check it out here!


For people living in coastal areas rising sea levels can threaten their families, homes and crops. As seawater makes its way over the beach and across the land, the soil on the small Pacific Islands of Carteret, Tuvalu and Kiribati becomes more salty, making it harder to grow crops. One by one, the families of these tiny islands may need to move somewhere else.





















What do you think we can do to help?
GLD polar bear 250


Data collected over the years has shown a gradual increase in temperatures and even though the change is less than 1 degree celsius since 1950, the impact on our planet's ecosystems is far from tiny. Rising temperatures and changing patterns of rainfall will not only impact on people, but also on plants and animals. Some habitats may be affected such as the icy homes of polar bears and penguins. Find out more.


More Juicy Stuff...



Have you ever calculated your 'Ecological Footprint'?

In simple terms, it's a way to calculate how many resources you need to live your current lifestyle. After adding up things you use such as the food you eat, fuel to get to school, energy to power your home, the end result could be anything from 2 to 7 planets worth of resources!


The problem is WE ONLY HAVE ONE PLANET and we need to make sure to use its resources in a sustainable way. There are already more than 7 billion people (that's 7,000,000,000!!!) living on our planet, and scientists project this number to grow to 9 billion by 2050! Planet Earth is truly amazing, but its resources can only be stretched so far. Some organisations like Sustainable Population Australia are seeking solutions and ideas to manage the population growth in a more sustainable way.


Want to learn about how fast the global population is increasing and how it is affecting the planet? Watch this!


Some people in the world live really well - and their Ecological Footprint is very small. Think about the changes you could make to help 'even out' the balance of resources used across the planet.


Use this calculator to find out what your Ecological Footprint is!


Flooding waters DISASTER ZONE!
2011 was a year that many of us would rather forget. Many

parts of the world were hit by floods, earthquakes, cyclones,

bushfires, tsunamis and volcanoes and even a year after the

disasters, many people are still unable to return to their homes.

The good news is that there are many people working together

to rebuild communities and make them stronger for the future. Learn about emergency situations to know what to do here.


You too can get involved...

Get started here!
Download the Green Scrapbook, come back to the website every week for tips and information, record your journey and win the competition!

Download the Green Scrapbook

Tips and Resources

Tips and Resources

We have compiled a list of ideas just to get you going. Try these eco activities - share them with your family and friends. Rate your progress. Be honest so you know what you can work on.


From waste, water and energy to what you eat and what you buy - its all about taking action...  Together we can make a difference!

Find out more

Green Land Diary - a Greencross Australia project

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Ph: +61 (0)7 3003 0644        Fax: +61 (0)7 3003 0855
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