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Green Lane Diary
2013 Week Six
A great way to take better care of our planet is to follow the 6Rs -reduce, reuse, recycle, refuse, respect and replenish! Download our checklist so you and your class can find out how your school is tracking.

Think BIG - win a prize
Tell us what you've been up to! Don’t forget we celebrate the wonderful work of students around Australia at our annual Green Lane Diary awards ceremony.

To win a Green Lane Diary prize for 2013, think BIG and make a difference in your school, family or community. Be inspired by our past Green Lane Heroes and don't forget to share your stories so we know what great things you're doing!
Throw it in the bin? That's rubbish!
Transforming rubbish into something amazing is one of Kathleen’s passions. While completing her Green Lane Diary last year, she used her creativity to teach others how to help the environment. Find out what clever ways Kathleen made a difference in her school.
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Could you be trash free?
How much of what you buy ends up in the bin within an hour? Could these items be repaired, reused or recycled? Read about a couple who lived trash free for a year by only buying items they could recycle or compost. Encourage your students to think about how to introduce the Six R’s in your school. Find fun suggestions for school projects on the No Trash Week website . Learn just how easy to follow the 6R's are!
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Don't forget to use your poster
Your Green Lane Diary poster contains exciting tips and checklists related to each week's diary topic. The poster also has a QR code that allows your students to share their wonderful projects with us. Simply scan the code to head straight to the Green Lane Diary website and share your story with us! Who knows - you could become Green Lane Heroes...
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About 400 kilograms of waste is produced by each Australian household every year. Wow!
About The Project
The Green Lane Diary is a curriculum-linked education program designed by environmental educators to help 8-13 year old children become aware of the stresses our planet confronts and how sustainable living can make a difference.
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Download the diary on iPad
Tell us what you're doing
Action Ideas
Create a poster on the 6Rs to place around your school.
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Think + Act + Share + Change
Green Cross Australia
Green Lane Diary is an initiative of Green Cross Australia.
Email info@greencrossaustralia.orgPhone 07 3003 0644
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