Green Lane Diary
Week nine| Biodiversity
Week nine means there is only one more week of the diary to go!
How are your projects running? Give them all you have got. Be bold!
Don't forget to share your work on our interactive map. It's great to hear what you're doing - both the big and the small things. We've featured one of the inspiring stories from Carrum Primary below.

Week nine is time to get up close and personal with the millions of living creatures who share our planet. We are all part of Earth's amazing ecosystem, so enjoy exploring our Biodiversity page!
Can your class can think of ways to protect our precious plants and animals?

Keep working on completing your Green Lane Diary scrapbooks! We are looking forward to reading them and celebrating our 2013 Green Lane Heroes.
Our endangered animals
Australia has lots of native species which are endangered, but you can help. You can plant native trees and shrubs to support our native wildlife, tell your family and friends about our endangered species, you could even write letters about endangered species for your local newspaper. Together, there are lots of ways we can all make a difference!
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Carrum Primary goes nude
Students at Victoria’s Carrum Primary are helping their school community learn how quickly they accumulate waste. Every day they aim to pack nude (or wrapper-free) snacks and lunches. All food wrappers are attached to the branches of their home-made recycling tree, so they can see how much rubbish they are creating every day!
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Dolphin visits Sydney swimmers
A young dolphin recently surprised swimmers at Sydney's Balmoral Beach. The dolphin playfully darted out past a set of buoys and then back to a small group of swimmers numerous times. Learn more about the dolphin sighting and see footage of the special guest.
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Sustainability Symposium
Mary Valley State College will host a multi-school sustainability symposium on Friday 13 September. This great ‘Kids Teaching Kids’ event will focus is on what schools and communities are doing to make their environments more sustainable and contribute to future food security. Everyone is invited so if you're in the area don't miss out!
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Five years to a plastic-free ocean
19-Year-Old Dutch student, Boyan Slat, has invented a cleanup system to remove plastic polluting our oceans. If his system proves to be viable, his invention could remove 7,250,000 tons of plastic from the world's oceans. Learn about how Boyan believes we can shorten the projected 79,000 years of ocean cleanup, to an efficient 5 years.
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Did you know there are an estimated 27,700 plant species in Australia, including living fossils? We also have around 2800 species of eucalypts (gum trees), and 1000 species of acacia (or wattle). Eucalypts make up almost 80 per cent of our forests. Find out more...

About The Project
The Green Lane Diary is a curriculum-linked education program designed by environmental educators. It aims to help primary school children become aware of the stresses our planet confronts, while teaching them how sustainable living can make a positive difference.
This week focuses on biodiversity and the incredible variety of living things and the ecosystems needed for survival.
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Download the diary on iPad
Tell us what you're doing
Action Ideas
Want a simple, fun way to explain biodiversity to students? Show your class this cute video explaining biodiversity for kids.

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Think + Act + Share + Change
Green Cross Australia
Green Lane Diary is an initiative of Green Cross Australia.
Email info@greencrossaustralia.orgPhone 07 3003 0644
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